As a participant you are not only morally responsible for the safety and well being of our youth participants, but you also have a legal responsibility. Under the SafeSport Act, all adult participants are mandatory reporters and legally responsible for reporting suspicion of abuse. Failure to do so in the State of California is a crime, and punishable by up to six months in jail and/or fines of up to $1,000.
The law requires that a person have a “reasonable suspicion” that a child has been the subject of child abuse or neglect. Definite proof that a child may be subject to abuse or neglect is not required.
All club links and access points have been updated.
All other forms of misconduct such as emotional abuse, bullying, hazing, or harassment must be reported to your League or Club Risk Manager.
All reports of misconduct are taken with the utmost sensitivity and as discreetly as possible. Reporting may be made anonymously without fear of retaliation of any kind. No individual who makes a good faith report will be subject to retaliation, including harassment, or any adverse employment or participation consequence, as a result of making a report.
In the event that you make a report of suspected child abuse to law enforcement, the U.S. Center for SafeSport, or another authority, we encourage you not to make an anonymous report simply because an anonymous report will not provide you with evidence that you discharged your mandatory reporting obligation.
Below are risk management resources to help better navigate and maintain compliance with Cal North Safe Sport requirements. If you have not already familiarized yourself with our Athlete and Participant Safety Policy (see resource above), please make sure to do so first.
The US Center for SafeSport is an independent 501c(3) non-profit organization focused on ending all forms of abuse in sport.
Safe Sport Certification Training - Required annual training for all covered personnel. Please use US Soccer's access code when completing training: YC3E-6P5G-YYIL-CS2M.
For all other SafeSport educational materials and resources, please visit the training and education section of their website.
US Soccer Safe Soccer Framework - A comprehensive program of policies and processes, screening, education and training, reporting, monitoring, and enforcement designed to help participants detect and report abuse, respond to it, and prevent future occurrences.
US Youth Soccer's Risk Management Policy - The official risk management policy of US Youth Soccer, approved February 16, 2019.