SportsLab360: Counter-Pressing


      This month's theme is on creating angles. It will be available through the month of November exclusively to Cal North members at no cost.

      We are constantly looking for new and valuable content and resources. Our partnership with SportsLab360 has helped us in that effort. Each month, in partnership with SportsLab360, we provide an accessible, practical, organized, and easy-to-use program that is focused entirely on tactical development. 

      Here's how it works: 
      Assign the SportsLab360 modules to your team and players, customize the content to suit your style of play, track the scoring of your players, and even tap into the library of session plans that they offer.

      Counter-pressing is a very important tactic in the modern game both at the youth and professional levels. It refers to an aggressive and organized attempt from a team to win back possession immediately upon losing it. You will learn 4 types of counter-presses which you can use with your team. This module is only offered in 11v11 format, but if you play in a different game size, it will still be very valuable to you! As always, the module ends with a quiz for you to test your Soccer IQ. 

      Here is the available module you can share with teams this month:

      11 v 11

      Cal North November Module Graphic


      Learn more by visiting SportsLab360

      SportsLab360 modules consist of three parts: A video, lesson, and quiz. The video utilizes real game film to introduce and illustrate the tactical concept. The lesson is an interactive experience that presents the players with 3D-animated scenarios and challenges them to make the "right" decision. The quiz includes 5 questions to review and check for understanding, and helps coaches identify potential tactical areas of development.



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